Monday, February 14, 2011

Plant A Valentine

Today we take a brief hiatus from the Garden of Jen container gardening series to discuss...

How cute my kid is with the valentines that she's passing out at preschool today.

This does relate to gardening, as her valentines came with little flowerpot-shaped pieces of paper that were implanted with wildflower seeds.  The instructions claim that if you soak the paper in water overnight and then plant it in dirt, flowers will spring up in about two weeks.

The paper - perforated and filled with seeds.


Directions on back.

We'll plant a couple ourselves and see if they really work.  I'll let you know in a future post.

Enjoy all the chocolate candy, pink frosted cookies, and conversation hearts that you can today.  Tomorrow we'll talk salad to make up for it.

Love, Steph


  1. Very cute. I like handmade Valentines, but these are pretty cool. I hope they work!
