Monday, February 7, 2011

Garden of Jen

My friend Jen asked if she could grow tomatoes in pots on her balcony.  Jen!  You can grow ANYTHING in pots on your balcony!

This week, in honor of Jen's birthday, I'll be doing a series of "Garden of Jen" posts all about container gardening.  There is so much you can do with just a few feet of space.  A balcony or patio is wonderful if you have it, but you can squeeze a few small pots just about anywhere!  

There are two big concerns, in containers as well as anywhere else:  Sun and Water.  If your balcony is mostly shaded, then you may have trouble with veggies.  (There are plenty of other plants and flowers that will work in partly shaded areas, or you could grow a mushroom garden!)  And pots dry out FAST, especially if they're small, and especially in the sun.  You'll have to water daily, maybe twice daily, unless you can set up some kind of irrigation system.

That said, I will be spending this week - or however long it takes - convincing Jen to turn her balcony into the world's tiniest organic farm!  We'll start tomorrow with some simple herbs and go from there.  In the meantime, enjoy these inspirational photos:



  1. Yay! I'm so excited to learn how to grow more on my balcony. So far all I've tried are herbs, which have been pretty successful. I would LOVE to learn how to grow more!

  2. I was just doing a google search about this container gardening and came across your blog thanks for all the good tips, I am feeling a lot more confident that our stuff will actually grow and we can eat it! thanks!

  3. Thanks Calinai! Try out a couple of different things and see what works best for you. It's pretty amazing how much you can harvest from a couple of little pots. Good luck and happy gardening!

  4. Wow what an inspiration your before and after pictures are to me. I am a complete and utter novice in gardening but I have made a start and now have quite a number of pots. They mostly look empty so the garden looks a bit silly at the minute.....but hopefully by next summer my little patch will start to resemble your "before" picture at least. Thank you for sharing what a difference a couple of months make in the garden
