Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tomato Blow Out

Um, yeah, so I guess maybe I planted too many tomato seeds?

 Here they are looking all crowded together in their little pods.  Look at all those cute little leaves!  This is a very happy moment, because they finally smell like tomato plants!  Yay!  They're definitely ready for some direct sunlight, but before I move them I'd like to transplant them into bigger pots.

This isn't a necessary step - I didn't do it last year.  I'm hoping to grow them really big though, and maybe even sell a few, so I'm experimenting.  I thought that these yogurt containers would be just right, so I poked holes in the bottom with a screwdriver, added a layer of hay, a layer of compost, and a layer of ordinary garden dirt.  I put two seedlings in each container.  I planted over 60 seedlings, I'm out of containers, and I've still got 2/3 of my tomato plants to go...  So I haven't quite figured out where I'm going from here...

They look great, though!

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